Master Plan -

Master Plan

Township of Livingston Master Plan

(adopted December 2007)


SECTION I – Introduction

SECTION II  – Statement Of Goals, Objectives, Principles, Assumptions, Policies and Standards

SECTION III – Land Use Element Plan

SECTION IV – Housing Plan and Fair Share Element

SECTION V –  Circulation Plan Element

SECTION VI – Utilities Plan Element

SECTION VII – Community Facilities Plan Element

SECTION VIII – Recreation and Parks Plan Element

SECTION IX – Conservation Plan Element

SECTION X – Economic Plan Element

SECTION XI – Historic Preservation Plan Element

SECTION XII – Recycling Plan Element

SECTION XIII – Stormwater Management Plan Element
– Appendix A
– Appendix B
– Appendix C
– Appendix D

Section XIV– Reserved

Section XV– Reserved

SECTION XVI – Compatibility With Plans Other Than Township Plans

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